Friday, May 10, 2013

The First One.

We have so many ideas for this blog, so many topics and projects to post about and discuss, but we need to get The First Post out of the way so that we can jump right into all of our scathingly brilliant ideas*.

Let's start with introductions, shall we? My name is Carrie, and I am a stay-at-home-mom to two beautiful little girls. I will be co-authoring this blog with my sister/friend/partner in crime Chelsea, who is also a stay-at-home-mom to two girls...and two boys.

I am not a perfect mom. In fact, that's exactly why I wanted to start this blog.

I know that I'm not the best mom in the world, but I also know that I'm not the worst mom either. I fall somewhere in the middle. I'm pretty average, I guess, but I am trying my hardest to be on the upper end of average, closer to the "best mom" end of the spectrum.

That's where the blog name comes from : I am striving to be an Upper Average Mom.

Simply put, this is a mommy blog. But before you roll your eyes and navigate off to some other corner of the internet, allow me to clarify: this will not be a my-life-is-perfect-all-the-time mommy blog. Perfection is unattainable; we all have our struggles and faults, and not everything goes according to plan all the time. We plan on using this blog to celebrate the successes and failures we experience in this motherhood business, and to seek out the overall joy in the sometimes mundane, ordinary everyday.

As moms, we can never have too much support from other moms who know what we're going through. There truly is strength in numbers. So join us! Let's all become Upper Average Moms together.

* We come from a movie-watching, movie-quoting family, so movie quotes have become automatic in our everyday conversations (and blog posts). There will be prizes for readers who can recognize and identify them. Well, actually no, there probably won't be prizes since you could just Google most of the quotes, but still, a virtual high-five from us will go out to readers who recognize and identify our many movie quotes. May the force be with you. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

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