Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Little Mothers

Carrie and I know a thing or two about child-rearing. We have over 40 years of collective child-care-taking experience and homemaking. Yikes, that makes us sound old, but we're not*; we just started really young.

We come from a large family. I am the second oldest of six children, and Carrie is only 13 months younger than I am. For as long as I can remember, she and I have practiced our mothering and homemaking skills. As girls, we were often referred to as the "little mothers". 

It started with our dolls. Mine was a boy named Eric (after Prince Eric from Little Mermaid) and Carrie's was a girl named Kirsten (after Kirsten from the original American Girls dolls). We cared for these dolls like they were real. We'd wash their clothes in the bathroom sink. We fed them, strolled them around in little strollers, bathed them, swaddled them, and loved them to pieces.

We grew out of the doll phase just in time to start caring for a real baby: Our youngest brother, born in 1993. Carrie was the best at getting him to fall asleep. And we loved that little baby just like we'd loved Kirsten and Eric. 

Then we were old enough to babysit other kids, which we did all through our teens. We also took on a lot of other responsibilities around our home, cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. Eventually we each got married and had our own children. 

Which brings us to today. I have four children: Ashleigh is 9, Hailey 7, Kai is 4, and Baby Grey is 6 months. Carrie has two girls, ages 4 and almost 2.  

Welcome to our blog!

*I will turn 30 at the end of this month. 

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